Being a Member of LVEWN
We welcome you to Las Vegas Empowered Women’s Network. We are like-minded business owners that build alliances.
Alliances can take several forms such as linking up with a complementary business to offer a wider service e.g. a hairdresser and a make-up company.
You can share customers and databases with non-competing members who sell into the same markets as you, i.e. Organizer and a Closet Company.
You can create an alliance to share specific referrals, for example, a real estate agent and a solar company, a printer and a security company.
What type of business might you be able to work closely with for your mutual benefit?
As business owners, we are all limited by our experience, and we do not know what we do not know! It is for this very reason that Las Vegas Empowered Women’s Network ensures that we have a varied and balanced program of first-class speakers, workshops, presentations, and interactive “Ask the Expert” events. Each event is designed to stimulate your business thinking, to give you methods, ideas, and processes that are proven, innovative and valuable. These events encourage members to share ideas and practice.
We encourage you to go to our social media pages and either like them or join them. They are as follows:
Our membership guidelines are as follows:
1. One profession will be represented for each business category. LVEWN Membership is open to any businesswoman whose business category is not already represented by another member. Each business category is represented by one professional. To see our current list of members and the industries they represent, click LVEWN MEMBERS. If you see that your business is already represented by an existing member, please contact Magdalena Brandon to get on our waiting list.
2. Guests may visit twice before becoming a member. Once you attend our meeting for the second time, you will be given an application that will be submitted and reviewed. We will contact you when you have been accepted. The fee for guests is $10.00 each visit and when accepted as a member, the second $10.00 fee will be applied to the monthly membership dues.
3. Consider our meeting a business appointment and act accordingly. Distractions such as cell phones and side talking must be kept to a minimum. Please exit the room if you need to text, email, or take a call.
4. Consistent attendance is expected from everyone. Consistent two (2) no shows and/or two (2) no contact will jeopardize your position and you may be removed from our group.
5. Be professional, attentive, and courteous while in the meeting.
6. Commit to supporting the membership and we encourage that you schedule 1:1 with other members.
7. Membership is what you make it. Commit to participate by passing leads, bringing guests, speaking, and sharing.
8. Connect with Magdalena Brandon to create “your” 30 Second Presentation.”
LVEWN Membership Fees
- A $15.00 monthly fee for our meeting will be charged and money is used for charitable donations and/or group events, along with Administrative costs. You may pay by check made out to LVEWN, cash, or by PayPal to (friends & family). If you prefer to pay quarterly, bi-annually or more, arrangements can be made. Keeping your membership current will ensure your position will not be in jeopardy. If dues are not paid by the first meeting of each month, a $5.00 late fee will be assessed. Attendance will not be allowed until dues are current. Failure to pay fees for two (2) months will result in your termination with no refund for dues and fees paid. We understand that life happens so let us know if you have extenuating circumstances to consider.
- All members will be a part of our LVEWN website for a one-time non-refundable fee of $100.00.
Now, more than ever, business people need to network to stay in business!
We have a team of people working together to provide a proven structure that is positive and supportive. We are committed to building long-term meaningful relationships with quality business professionals that add value to those businesses. Our members leverage their time and maximize their networking efforts! We offer members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts and most importantly, business referrals.